Week 28 –
Intermediate 2
1. Look at some fixed idiomatic expressions - sometimes
known as 'binomials'.
Replace the underlined
phrases in the sentences a-e with a suitable binomial.
In black and white
Here and there
By/ in leaps and bounds
(every) now and then/
Pick and choose (sth)
a) His English is coming
on very quickly.
b) There aren't many sandwiches left, so you won't be able to
make a careful selection of what you want.
c) It's all there in
written form.
d) Her clothes were lying
scattered in several different places on the floor.
e) We see each other sometimes,
but not often.
2. There
is one mistake in each of the underlined idiomatic expressions in sentences
a-f. Correct the mistakes.
a) Di has a young family
and runs her own business. She certainly has the hands full.
b) Helen is hopeless with
money. She's over her neck in debt.
c) Petra sometimes makes
mistakes but her heart is in its right place.
d) Sue is always wearing
fantastic clothes. She has one eye for fashion.
e) Tim's business isn't
making much money, but he keeps his head above the water.
f) Boris got a fantastic
job straight after university. He really landed on his foot.
3. Use the words in the box to complete the
idiomatic expressions (a-j) describing feelings and emotions.
arms dumps minds
moon stitches weather
a) to be in
b) to be in two
c) to be over the
d) to be up in _________________
e) to be under the
f) to be down in the
4. Cross
out the adjective that is not possible in each sentence.
a) The president is the
most influential / landmark politician in my country.
b) Global warming has
very few far-reaching / senior effects on the environment.
c) Traffic congestion is
a major / top problem in my city.
d) The world wide web was
the most main / significant invention of the 20th century.
e) 1945 was a/ an historic
/ groundbreaking year in the development of my country.
f) It's major / vital
that we find a cure for cancer.
Reading and Speaking:
1. Look
at these four key words from three different stories.
What do you think each
story is about?
scruffy, begging, university, rebel
aisles, trolley, conveyor belt, stolen
dinner, oven, licked, burnt
Read and complete the texts by matching the
words from Exercise 1 to each story. Discuss what you would have done in each
a) I was in the supermarket
yesterday and I saw this elderly woman shuffling up and down the _________ .
She didn't have a __________ and was putting her shopping straight into her
bag. Anyway, I thought nothing more about it and carried on doing my shopping,
and when I went to queue up to pay, there she was in front of me. I watched her
put one tin of cat food on the ______________ and pay for it. Then she walked
out with her bag full of ____________ shopping.
b) Something awful happened to me
last week. I'd invited six people round for ____________, and you know how I
hate cooking. Anyway, I spent all afternoon preparing the meal and actually I
was quite pleased with how it turned out. I even managed to get all the
vegetables ready at the same time as the meat. So, the vegetables were on the
table, and I just had to get the chicken out of the _____________ . I lifted it
out and I don't know how it happened, but I dropped it on the kitchen floor,
and before I could pick it up, the cat had _____________ it. She regretted it
afterwards, because she ______________ her tongue.
c) I had a very strange
experience the other day. I was up in London for a meeting, and it was
lunchtime. It was a lovely day, so I bought a sandwich and went for a walk. I was
just on my way back to the office when I noticed a _________ , bearded man ___________
in the street. I recognised him immediately - it was someone I'd been at _____________
with – a brilliant rugby player. He'd always been a bit of a ______________,
but a very clever man. We'd been very good friends, but I'd lost touch with him
when we left university.
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