W02 - Int 1

W02 – Intermediate 1 – Going Out

I)            Speaking:
Discuss these questions:
1.   Which famous person would you like to spend an evening with? Why?
2.   Where would you like to go?
3.   What would you like to do during the evening?

II)         Listening:

1)   Listen to two dialogues. How well do the people know each other? Why are they telephoning?

2)   Complete the information:
1.   Nancy and Sebastian met a friend’s house on __________ of last week.
2.   Sebastian is going to his parents’ ________________ anniversary on Saturday.
3.   They agree to meet at a café on Sunday at half past _____________.
4.   Jason usually goes ______________ on Sundays.
5.   He agrees to join his friends for _______________ after their meal.
6.   Sebastian thinks it is going to ______________ on Sunday.

III)       Functional language: invitations and suggestions
1.   Would you like to go to the cinema?
2.   Shall we go to the cinema?
3.   Why don’t we go to the cinema?
4.   How about going to the cinema?
5.   What about going to the cinema?
6.   Do you fancy going to the cinema?
7.   Let’s go to the cinema.
OK, that’s a good idea.
Yes, why not?
I’d rather go to a museum.
I’d love to, but I’m afraid I’m busy.
That’s very kind of you, but…

Ex: rewrite the suggestions beginning with the words that are given
1.   Do you want to go out this weekend?
Would you ________________________________________________________
2.   Do you want to go to a pub?
Shall ____________________________________________________________
3.   What about going to the opera?
How _____________________________________________________________
4.   Why don’t we go to a restaurant?
Let ______________________________________________________________
5.   Would you like me to pick you up in my car?
Shall ____________________________________________________________
6.   We could meet at the station?
What ____________________________________________________________

IV)        Speaking:
Imagine you are a famous person (alive or dead). Decide what you like doing when you go out for the evening.

V)          Grammar: prepositions of time

In: November/ 2004/ the summer/ the morning
On: Monday/ 7th June/ Tuesday evening
At: 3 o’clock/ dinner time/ night/ the weekend

Ex: complete the sentences with in, on or at
1.   We met _________ Friday February 14th
2.   He called me _______ Saturday morning
3.   We had our first date ______ the evening
4.   I saw him again ________ Monday and Wednesday
5.   I met his parents ________ the weekend
6.   I asked him to marry me _________ Sunday evening
7.   Our wedding is _________ March – ____ the 14th

VI)        Homework:

1)   Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
Lucy: hi, Dan, would you like _________ (go) out somewhere on Mondays?
Dan: _______________
Lucy: What a pity! Why don’t we __________ (do) something on Tuesday, then?
Dan: All right. Let’s ___________ (do) that. Where shall we _________ (go)?
Lucy: How about _________________ (go) to a club?
Dan: ________________
Lucy: Well, why don’t we ______________ (have) a meal at the Hard Rock Café?
Dan: ____________
Lucy: OK. That’s a good idea. Where shall we ___________ (meet)?

2)   Complete the dialogue with the sentences a-c
a.   I’d rather not. I’m not too keen on clubbing.
b.   I’d rather go for a pizza. If that’s OK with you.
c.    That’s very kind of you, Lucy. I’d love to, but I’m afraid I’m busy on Monday.

3)   Complete the sentences with in, on or at and a time expression
In my country/ town…
1.   The most popular time to get married is _______________________
2.   People usually have dinner __________________________________
3.   Most people go on holiday __________________________________
4.   The best time to go shopping is ______________________________
5.   The best programme on TV are ________________________________
6.   The roads are really busy ___________________________________

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