Extra 2 - Pre - Int

Extra 2 – Pre – Intermediate – Thailand (2)



I)            Grammar: Present perfect simple  & continuous

1)   Present perfect: to have (present simple) + past participle (V_ed/ 3rd column of the irregular verbs list)            She’s (has) bought flowers

Present perfect continuous: to have + been + V-ing     They haven’t been working

2)   You  usually use the present perfect continuous to describe the duration of a continuous  or repeated action from a  point in  the  past up to now.

We've been  studying Greek for ten years.

She's been going to  the same  hairdresser since the  1990s .

You  can  use the continuous form  with  most verbs

I've  been  studying  English since  2007 .

Use  the simple  form  for verbs with  stative  meanings

I’ve had  the  same  car  for ten  years.

She’s known Tom since they were at school.

They’ve had the same computer since 2003.

Note: You  can also use the simple form to indicate unchanging,  'permanent' situations. Compare:

I've  been living here since  the summer.

I've lived here all  my life.

3)   Some verbs connected  with knowledge, emotion or possession have stative meanings.

They describe states: nothing 'happens'. You cannot use them with continuous forms.

I want a fairer system.  l don't feel strongly about politics.

Common verbs with stative meanings:

  feelings:  hate,  like,  love,  prefer,  want .

  thoughts: believe, feel,  know, think,  understand.

  possession: belong,  have,  own .

  senses: feel,  hear,  see,  smell,  sound,  taste.

  appearance: appear,  look (like),  seem.

A.   Exercises: A -Write the ing-form and the past participle for each of these verbs.

a)  steal  _____________________ 

b)  grow ______________________ 

c)  sell _______________________

d )  drive _____________________

e)  end _______________________

f) pay ________________________

g) feel _______________________

h)  get _______________________

i)  tell ________________________

j)  cost _______________________

k)  hear ______________________

l )  lose _______________________

m) build ______________________

n) lend _______________________

B - Look at the information. Use the underlined verb to write a sentence in the present perfect simple or continuous.

a)  We are married. We got married  in 2007.

We've been  married  since  2007.

b)  l'm reading  the newspaper.  l started  reading half an  hour ago.


c)  He likes jazz. He got interested  in jazz when he was at university.


d)  She's learning to swim. She started  lessons in September.


e)  She works  in  a shop. She got the job last May.


f)  They live together.  They moved  in together last summer.


g)  I play the guitar.  l started  playing when I was eight.


h)  We have a  motorbike.  We bought it  three years ago.


3) Complete these sentences with the present perfect simple or continuous.

a)  I (study)  __________________________ English for about two years.

b)  l (be) __________________  in  this  particular class since September.

c)  I(know)_________________ my  English  teacher for a  few months.

d)  I (have) __________________  this  textbook since I started the  course.

e)  I (use) ___________________ the same English  dictionary  for  a couple of years.

f)  I (want) __________________ to  learn  Italian since l first visited  Italy.

II)         Speaking:

1) Write the name of .. .

a)  a café  or bar you go to ________________________

b)  a  neighbour you know  ________________________

e)  a type of music  you  like  ______________________

d)  the house you  live in  __________________________

e)  a  subject you are interested in __________________________

f)  a TV  programme you watch ______________________________

g)  a  favourite  possession  you  have __________________________

h)  the  place you  work or study  ______________________________

2) Write and tell sentences to describe how long each activity has continued

a) I’ve been going to the café ____________________ since __________

b) _________________________________________________________

c) _________________________________________________________

d) _________________________________________________________

e) _________________________________________________________

f) __________________________________________________________

g) __________________________________________________________

h) __________________________________________________________

III) Useful sentences:Find the correct phrases in the following dialogues:

1.   Adam:  I'm  going  to  propose  to  Dawn  tonight. 

Harry:  Do  you  think  she'll say yes? 

Adam:  I hope  so.  Keep  your arms  /  legs /  fingers  crossed  for  me.   

2. Beth:  Wow!  I love  your  ring.  Are  they  real  diamonds? 

Dawn:  Of  course! 

Beth:  I bet it cost an  eye  and  an  ear /  an  arm  and  a leg /  an  eye and a tooth.

Dawn:  Probably.  Adam's  a very  generous  man.

3.   Dawn:  Have  you  seen  Adam?

Harry:  Yes,  he  was  with  a beautiful blond  woman.

Dawn:  What?

Harry:  l'm just pulling  your  hair /  leg / teeth.  He's  over  there.

Dawn:  That's  not funny.

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