W 21 - Elem

Elementary – Week 21 – World Cinema

I)            Vocabulary :
1)   Listen to eight short extracts from films. Match each extract with a kind of film

2)   Think of some examples of each kind of film.
a documentary            a comedy      an action film         an animated film
a drama     a science fiction film          a horror film       a romantic film
3)   What kinds of film do you like? What kinds don’t you like? Why?

II)         Reading :
1)   Read the cinema programme. What kind of film is on each day?

2)   What films can you see if you:
1.   like serious films?
2.   want to have a good laugh?
3.   are busy in the evening?
4.   want to take your children to the cinema?
5.   Enjoy long films?

III)       Listening :
1)   Jon and Mia decide to go to the cinema. Listen to their conversation and complete the sentences:

MIA – Some of these films look quite interesting
JON – Yeah, that’s true. ____________________ go and see one some time this week?
MIA – Yeah, _______.______________ see Family Law? I heard it's really good.
JON – Hm. ____________. It sounds a bit boring. _______________ see The Others.
MIA – Well, I don't usually like horror films, but that one sounds good.
2)   Put the expressions from the exercise above in the correct groups.
Making suggestions
Saying yes
Saying no / not sure
Why don't we…

1)   Add these expressions to the correct groups in the table.
Good idea.     Fine with me.      I don't really want to.     Let's…
That sounds good.      I'm not sure.         No, thanks.

IV)        Speaking :
1)   You’re going to The Picture House with a group of friends. Choose two films from the programme you'd like to see, and two films you don’t want to see.
2)   Ask and answer the questions.
1.   How often do you watch films at the cinema?
2.   When was the last time you saw a film? What was it? Did you enjoy it?
3.   Do you ever watch films more than once? Give examples.
4.   Do you like watching films from other countries? Give examples.

V)          Grammar : present progressive for future arrangements
1)   Look at sentences 1-8 in the table and answer the questions.
Which six sentences are about future arrangements?
Which two sentences are about now?
1.   What are you doing tonight?
2.   I'm going to the cinema with Mia.
3.   We're having coffee first at 6.15. Can you come?
4.   Where are you? We're waiting for you!
5.   We're walking to Delmonico's now for a pizza.
6.   I'm flying to Singapore this Friday.
7.   I’m coming back on Monday night.
8.   You're not going for work, I hope.
2)   Present continuous can be used for future arrangements (plans which are organised)

VI)        Homework :
1)   Make sentences in the present continuous for future arrangements:
1.   to the dentist | go | I | tomorrow
2.   tonight | with | have | our business partner | we | dinner
3.   to Africa | you | when exactly | fly / ?
4.   go | to the garden party | Miss Pitt | on Sunday
2)   Write four of your arrangements for this month.

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