Week 25 – Pre – Intermediate - Smile !
Reading :
Look at this expression: Say ‘Cheese’!
2) Discuss
the questions.
• When do
people say this?
• What do you say in your
• Do you find it easy to smile for photographs?
3) Use
five of the following words to complete the following article about smiling.
Choose an appropriate singular or plural form for each word.
Cheek dimple mouth tooth eyebrow eye wrinkles
‘Smile and the world
smiles with you. Cry and you cry alone.’
According to
research from the USA, we smile
for many different reasons. There's the
listener/ response smile. When
two people are having a conversation, the listener smiles to encourage the speaker.
There's the polite
smile. This is the sort of smile you
make when your aunt gives you a horrible birthday present. There's the
miserable smile. For example, when you go to
the dentist, and he tells you that you
need to have a ___________ taken out.
Very often, these social smiles are not real : they are frequently 'fake' smiles. Fake smiles
are easy to do - you just have to tighten the muscles in
your ______________.
But there's only one
smile that is the smile of true
enjoyment. This smile is extremely hard
to fake. It involves the muscles
at the corners of the __________ and the
muscles around the eyes.
When someone gives
a true smile, the ____________ get
smaller, and you see
little wrinkles around the edge. The eyebrows go up and
on some
people, _________________ appear in
their cheeks.
The genuine smile
of enjoyment not only makes us feel good, but it makes others feel good too.
Vocabulary :
1) Match
each group of adjectives with an
appropriate noun to make common
collocations for
a) thick /
b) pale / rosy
c) curly
/ straight / wavy
d) full
/ thin
e) square
/ pointed
f) straight
/ white
1 chin
2 eyebrows
3 lips
4 teeth
5 hair
6 cheeks
Which features do you like on a man or a woman?
Reading :What’s in a smile?
1) The
way you smile can show what sort of person you are. Read the article below and match one of the
headings (a-d) with each paragraph
a) Shy b)
Cheeky c)
Confident d)
1 _____________
This is the smile of a
joker. The raised eyebrows and dimples in the cheeks show
a good sense of humour
and a warm personality. This sort of
person is often a bit of a rebel- they have
no respect for authority.
2 ______
The wide, toothy smile shows that this person is easygoing
and friendly. They enjoy being in a crowd and are good fun to go out with. They’re
always looking for the next party.
3 ___________
The smile is in the eyes. This is a sensitive person, and a
loyal friend. This sort of person thinks before they speak and is a good
listener. They don’t like being the centre of attention in a crowd.
4 ________
This is a smile that says, ‘I know it all.’ This type of
person is very sure of themselves. They like a good argument, and they usually
win. They’re hard-working and very ambitious. And they can be quite bossy.
Think about your family, your friends, your
colleagues. Can you match the
descriptions (1-4) to
anybody you know?
1) Match
each adjective with its definition.
a) ambitious
b) bossy
c) confident
d) easygoing
e) loyal
f) sensitive
g) shy
h) sociable
1 certain about his or her abilities
2 continues to support a
person in difficult times
3 really wants to become
successful, rich, or famous
4 cares about other people's feelings
5 friendly and enjoys being with other people
6 tells other people what to do a1l the time
7 relaxed,
calm and not easy to upset
8 nervous in
the company of other people
2) Listen to six different people talking.
Choose the most appropriate adjective from Exercise 1 to describe each one.
3) Find
out about your own personality! In your opinion, what is the best adjective to
describe these five things? Use the
following adjectives
addictive affectionate aggressive annoying
calm deep
dirty faithfull hot independent
mysterious nasty selfish
stormy strong
a dog
= _____________ 3
a rat = ___________ 5 an ocean
= ___________
2 a cat =____________ 4
coffee =_______________
Homework :
Match the following adjectives
with the sentences below.
ambitious bossy confident easygoing
loyal sensitive shy sociable
I find it
difficult to talk to people that I don't
know very well. ______________
I know I’m going to be successful. ____________________
l love going to parties and meeting new people. _________________
I make the decisions; here, so do what I tell you.
I really understand your problems. I know exactly
how you feel. _______________
I want to be the most successful businessman in the
country . _______________
You can decide. I don't mind. _________________
I know
that I will always support you. _____________________________
RépondreSupprimerThere is nothing to listen.Martine
Sorry. It is on the blog now. it is ok. Thanks.Martine