W 24 - Pre - Int

Pre – intermediate - Week 24 – Three generations

I)            Reading:
1)   Look at the quotes from three men in the Bennett family. They are talking about their fathers. Try to match each quote with the man who said it.

a)    The grandfather 
b)    His son
c)    His grandson

1.   ‘I’ve always had a very close relationship with my dad.'
2.   'My father was always at work.'
3.   ' We had to obey him without question.'

2)   Read the article: Three generations
Gordon - the grandfather (72)    
'I think my son and my grandson have a lovely relationship - it wasn't like that when I was a boy.  My father was a very strict man, we had to obey him without question.
I had to walk five kilometres to school. There was no other way of getting there. At home we didn't have a television, so we had to make our own entertainment.    
I spent all my free time playing football. 
But we couldn't play football Sundays because we had to go to church. 
I left school when I was fourteen and went to work in a bakery. That's where I met Mabel. 
We couldn't bring home in those days. We had to in public places. I suppose that's why so many people got married young. 
I was only nineteen, and Mabel was eighteen.’
Tony - his son  (48)
'When I was growing up, my father was always at work, and when he came home, we couldn't disturb him, because he was tired.
Because my father left school very early and regretted it afterwards, he wanted me to do well at school. I had to do my homework every night and I could only watch television at the weekend.
When I was eighteen I got a place at university. My parents didn’t have to support me financially, because the government gave me a grant to study.
I didn’t go home very often, even during the holidays. I preferred spending time with my friends, especially my girlfriends. In my last year of university I met Louise, and we got a place together. We had to get married when Louise found out she was pregnant.’
Scott - his grandson (19)
‘I’ve always had a very close relationship with my dad and I don't have to hide anything from him.
When I was at school, I had a lot of freedom.  When I went out, I didn’t have to come home at a certain time – my parents trusted me.
I’m at college now, and my parents have to pay for my studies, but I have to work in the evenings to pay for any luxuries I want.
I think it’s wrong that my parents have to pay for my studies. I think college s and universities should be free for everybody.
My girlfriend often stays with me at my parents’ house, and I sometimes go and stay at her parents’. Both our parents think we should get married one day, but we’re definitely not in a hurry.’

3)   Check your ideas.
4)   Answer the questions:
a)   Why did Gordon have to walk to school?
b)  Why couldn' t Gordon play football on Sundays?
c)  Why could Tony only watch television at the weekend?
d)  Why didn' t Tony's parents have to pay for his university education?
e)  Why did Tony have to get married to Louise?
f)  Why does Scott have to work in the evenings?
5)   In what ways has life changed in your family over the generations?

II)         Grammar: can and have to
1)   Complete the following table with the different forms of can and have to

Permission: can
Obligation: have to

You _________
You _________

Not permitted
You __________
You __________
You _________
You _________
Not necessary
You __________
You __________
2)   Complete the questions and answers about the article on the Bennett family
a)’Did Cordon have to obey his dad without question?'  'Yes, he did.'  ' No, he didn't.'
b)’Did Cordon have to go to church on Sundays?'  'Yes, he ____  .'  'No, he ______.'
c)  'Could Cordon bring his girlfriends home?'  'Yes, he _____.'  'No, he ______.'
d)  '_____Tony _______do his homework every night?' ‘_________.’ ‘___________.’
e)  ‘_______Scott come home at any time?' ‘_____________.’ ‘________________.’
f)  'Does Scott have to hide things from his dad?'’___________.’ ‘______________.’

3) For each question, finish the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
a)           Smoking is not permitted in the restaurant.
You _______________________________________________________________
b)      It isn't a good idea to play your music so loud.
You _______________________________________________________________
e)       Is it necessary for us to wear a seatbelt?
Do ________________________________________________________________
d)      lt was necessary for everyone to take an entrance exam.
Everyone ____________________________________________________________
e)       Is it OK for me to bring some friends home after school?
Can ________________________________________________________________
f)       When were you permitted to leave school?
When could __________________________________________________________
g)      It wasn't necessary for me to lose weight.
I ___________________________________________________________________
h)      I think it's good idea  for you to come home early.
you _________________________________________________________________

III)       Homework:
1)   Listen to a conversation between Gordon (the grandfather) and Scott (his grandson) in Scott’s car. 

Which of the following topics do they talk about?

Military service
Air travel

2)   Write sentences to summarise the differences between 'then' and 'now', according to the conversation. Use an appropriate form of have to  or can.
a)    wear a seatbelt 
b)    wear a  helmet
c)    use cash
d)    do military service
e)    have long hair
f)     wear earrings

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