Extra 1 – Pre –
Intermediate – Meet the Parents
Reading & Listening:
1) Your
friend is going to meet his girlfriend's parents for the first time. Look at
the advice (a-f). Which piece of advice do you think is the most important?
a) Make a good first impression
b) Tell the truth
c) Do some research
d) Avoid controversial topics of conversation
e) Wear the right clothes
f) Be prepared to answer questions
2) Read
the article: Meet the Parents
1 ________________________
Find out information about
the parents before you meet them. Do you have anything in common with them?
Have they been on holiday recently? You should ask your girlfriend / boyfriend
about her/his parents' hobbies, interests and favourite topics of conversation.
2 ____________________________
It's fine to wear your old
jeans and Nirvana T-shirt most of the time, but you should make an effort when you
meet the parents. However, you shouldn't go to the opposite extreme: don't wear
your 'job interview' clothes. You should be clean and tidy, but not too
3 _______________________________
First impressions are very
important. You should greet them with a smile and a firm handshake for Dad, and
a quick kiss (on the cheek) for Mum. You mustn't call them by their first names. Wait until they give you permission.
4 ____________________________
You should be honest about
what you do If you're an IT technician, you shouldn't say you're a research scientist,
information architect or web millionaire. If you're unemployed, you should tell
them about your plans for a brilliant career.
5 ____________________________
You probably don't share the same opinions or tastes
about most things, so you must avoid subjects such as politics or religion. You
can ask them about what your girlfriend or boyfriend was like as a child –
parents love talking about their little prince or princess.
You should think of a good
answer to the question: What are you going to do in the future?
Label the paragraphs (1-6) with the pieces of
advice (a-e) from Exercise 1. What other advice can you think of?
Listen to a young man meeting his girlfriend's
parents for the first time.
Tick the advice in the article that he follows. Put
a cross next to the advice that he doesn't follow. How do you think the evening
1) Complete these
sentences using words from the article above.
a) I don' t have anything in ___________ with my
parents. (paragraph 1)
b) I always make an ___________ to stay in touch
with old friends. (paragraph 2)
e) My bedroom is always clean and ___________ .
(paragraph 2)
d) It's more important for me to be happy than to
have a brilliant ___________ . (paragraph 4)
e) I __________
the same opinions and tastes as my best friend. (paragraph 5)
2) Are any of the
sentences true for you?
Grammar: should an must
1) Match the phrases
(a-d) in bold with the meanings (1-4).
a) You should be honest about what you do.
b) You shouldn't say you 're a research scientist.
c) You
must avoid subjects such as politics or rel¡gion.
d) You mustn't call them by their first names.
1. It's
a bad idea.
2. It's
a very good idea.
3. It’s
a very bad idea.
4. It’s
a good idea.
2) Choose the correct
alternative in this sentence:
When you are giving advice,
must is stronger / weaker than should.
3) Look at the situations
and complete the sentences. Use must or mustn't, should or shouldn't
and one of the following verb:
do do forget hold
speak watch
a) One friend to another friend: 'You ________ do
more exercise.'
b) A doctor to a patient: 'You ____________ more
c) A father with his four-year-old child in town: 'You ____________ my hand!'
d) A sister to her sister: 'You __________ Mum's birthday this year!'
e) An English teacher to her students: 'You ____________
English in class.'
f) A mother to her teenage son: 'You __________ so much television. It's bad for you.'
4) Have you heard similar
sentences recently? What was the situation?
Use the words below to
complete the advice:
clothes directions
funny pay
shoes silent
time women work
You should make an effort with your clothes and you
shouldn't cut your hair: a man likes his girlfriend to look feminine.
b) The
way to a man's heart is through his _______ . You should cook for him,
and if he's
really hungry, don't give him salad.
You must listen to him. He likes explaining how
things __________.
shouldn't ask him to help you choose a pair of __________. He only has
three pairs, and he thinks that's enough.
mustn't try to give him _________
. Christopher Columbus didn't
need them.
a) You
must arrive on _____ for dates - women hate it when you keep
You should ______ when you go out. Women want to
be equal, but not that equal!
should be _________ . You may be good-looking, well-dressed and have the brains of Einstein, but if you can't
make her laugh, forget it.
You should remain _________ . They want to do
all the talking - even if you stop listening, pretend to be fascinated.
mustn't talk about other beautiful ________ , even famous ones. She'll remember, and
years later, when you make a comment
about her cooking, she'll tell you
to get Julia Roberts to make your
1) Complete the
sentences. Use an appropriate form of should or must.
a) You _____________ touch that. It's very hot!
b) It's only a cough, but you __________ take
this medicine four times a day.
c) Mum, you ______________ kiss me
in front of my friends. It's
d) Tell David he ________ tidy his room immediately!
e) I think young people _______show more respect
to their elders.
f) You ___________go out with John. He's not
good enough for you.
g) This is a security announcement. All passengers ______ keep their bags with them
at all times!
2) Who said it? Match
sentences (a-g ) with a person:
a best friend a doctor a parent a parent
an old man a teenage boy an airport announcer
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