W03 - Pre - Int

Week 03 – Pre - Intermediate – Fit

I)            Reading :

1)   Read and answer the questionnaire: Are you dangerously unfit?

1          In an average day, do you ...
a)  climb more than a hundred stairs?
b)  do at least one hour of housework?
YES  /  NO
c)  walk or cycle to school or work?
2      How  often do you walk five kilometres or more?
a)  Once a month.
b)  Once a week.
c)  Never.
3      How much sport do you do every month?
a)  More than nine hours.
b)  Between two and nine hours.
c)  Less than two hours.
4      How often do you spend twenty minutes or more doing an activity that makes you hot or sweaty?
a)        Three or more times a week.
b) Once or twice a week.
c)    Not at all.
5       How long does it take you to walk a kilometre?
a)   Less than ten minutes.
b)   Between ten and twenty minutes.
c)   I can 't walk that faro
6       How many of the following activities do you do at least once a week?
a) Go jogging.  YES /  NO
b)  Playa ball game.  YES /  NO
c.)  Do some aerobic exercise
(cycling,  rowing,  etc.).  YES /  NO
7       Tick the activities you often do when you're on holiday.
a)  Go hiking.
b)  Go swimming.
el  Go sightseeing .
d)  Go dancing.
e)  Lie on the beach.
f)  Eat and drink a lot.
8       Do you smoke?  YES /  NO

How to score

1  a)  YES: 5   NO:0
    b)  YES: 5   NO:0
    c)  YES: 5   NO:0
2  a)  3  b)  5  c) 0
3  a)  5  b)  3  c) 0
4  a)  5  b)  3  c) 0
5  a)  5  b) 3   c) 0
6       a)  YES:  5   NO:  0
b)  YES:  5    NO:  0
c)  YES: 5     NO:  0
7       a)  5  b)  5      c)3    d)3     e)0   f)0
8    YES:  0   NO: 10

What your score means
20 or less: Your health and your life are in danger! You must do more exercise.
21-30: Could be worse, but not much worse.
31 -40: Not bad, but could be better.
41-50: You are healthier than the average person and you probably find your life more enjoyable as a result.
51 or more: you are super-fit.  Are you a professional athlete? (Are you telling the truth?!)

2)   Calculate your score

II)         Vocabulary
1)   Look at the table
  How long does it take you to do each activity?

How long does it
take you to  ...

(1)  get up in the morning?
(2)  buy presents for people you love?
(3)  choose from a menu in a restaurant?
(4)  decide whether you like someone?
(5)  read a novel?
(6)  get ready to go out for the evening?
(7)  get to sleep at night?

2)   Guess the time it takes your partner to do the same things.
Ask a partner questions to check your ideas.
3)   Complete more questions with How + adjective/adverb. Use the following words  
far         fast         long         many         much        old           well   often
a)  How ____________  do you  travel by  [rain?
b)  How _________ does  it  take you to get to  work?
c)  How___________  cousins do you  have?
d)  How ________  cash do you  have  with you at the  moment?
e)  How __________  is it from  your house  to the nearest beach?
f)  How __________does your car go?
g)  How _______ is  the oldest living  person in  your family?
h)  How _______  do you know your neighbours?
Ask your partner the questions.

III)       Speaking: anecdote
1)   Listen to Tina, talking about her experiences of doing  sport at school. 

Are the answers here right  or wrong?
a)  'How many  hours of sport did you do each week  at school?'
'Three hours a week.' 
b)  ' What  different sports did you do during the school year?'
'Swimming, tennis and hockey.’
e)  'Which sports did you  like/hate the most?'
'I hated swimming.'
d)  'What kind of sports facilities did your school have?'
'A gym and  a football pitch.’
e)  'What did your sport teacher look like?'
'She looked like a boxer.’
f)  'Did you ever play for a school team?'
'Yes, I played for the school football team.'
g)  'What was your best/ worst sporting moment?'
'My best moment was winning a disco dancing competition.'

IV)        Homework :
You' re going to write about your experiences of doing sport at school.
  Ask yourself the questions in exercise 1.
  Think about what to write and how to write it.

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