The Dancing Men (1)
Episode 1: A Strange Drawing
One morning, Sherlock Holmes handed me a sheet of paper.
'Look, Watson,' he said. 'Can you explain this problem?'
I looked at the paper. To my surprise, it was covered with a line of strange pictures. These pictures looked like little dancing men.
'A child must have drawn these,' I said. 'Where did you get this piece of paper, Holmes?'
'It arrived by post this morning,' answered Holmes. 'A man called Hilton Cubitt, of Ridling Thorpe Manor in Norfolk, sent it to me. Mr Cubitt is coming to see me today.
'There's a ring at the doorbell, Watson. Perhaps that's Mr Cubitt now.'
A moment later, a tall gentleman entered the room. He had a handsome face with clear blue eyes and looked very strong and healthy.
This gentleman shook hands with both of us. Suddenly he caught sight of the strange drawings.
'Here's a mystery, Mr Holmes,' he said. 'What do you think of these drawings?'
'They look like children's drawings,' replied Holmes. 'But why do you think they are important?'
'I don't, Mr Holmes. But these drawings are making my wife very frightened. That's why I have come to see you. I want to find out what they mean.'
Holmes held up the paper so that the sunlight shone through it. It was a page torn from a notebook and the markings on it looked like this:
Holmes examined the paper carefully. Then he folded it up and put it in his pocket.
'This ís a most interesting and unusual case, Mr Cubitt,' he said. 'Please tell us your story from the beginning.'
(to be continued)
(to be continued)
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