Pre – Intermediate – Week 11 - Ecology
Reading & Vocabulary :
Read the article: Climate Change March
In London today, 20,000 people took part in
protest marches and demonstrations as world leaders were meeting for climate
change talks. The event was organised by the Campaign Against Global Warming.
The day started early outside the US embassy with poetry
readings and speeches. Protestors then marched
slowly to Trafalgar Square, carrying banners and shouting slogans .
A group of protesters on bicycles made their way
to 10 Downing Street and
delivered a letter to the Prime Minister demanding urgent
action on climate change.
By three o'clock in the afternoon, Trafalgar Square was swarming
with people and buzzing with activity. There was a carnival
atmosphere with music provided by a samba band, a New Orleans jazz band and
Scottish pipers.
Most of the protesters marched peacefully, but a small
group of people broke away from the peaceful demonstrators. They smashed
shop windows and tried to set fire to a supermarket. Five people were arrested.
Are these statements true or false?
a) World leaders participated in protest marches
and demonstrations.
b) The protestors carried banners and shouted
political messages.
c) A group of protesters on bicycles went to 10
Downing Street.
d) They delivered a letter asking world leaders
to do something immediately
about the economy.
e) Trafalgar Square was extremely crowded and
very busy in the afternoon.
f) A small group of protesters separated from
the peaceful demonstrators and went shopping.
Look at the underlined phrases in the article.
Find phrases with similar meanings in the sentences in the text above.
part in = participated in
What evidence of climate change have you noticed
in your country? What are you and your family, your local government, your
national government doing about it?
Discuss with your
& Vocabulary:
Listen to interviews with four protestors at the
Climate change march.
Match each person with an opinion (1-4)
Match each person with an opinion (1-4)
Jo, 26 Jake, 14 Debbie, 37 Ronny, 27
1 ‘I’m in favour of protecting wild animals.'
2 ‘I’m against food imports.'
3 'I'm against big cars in the city.'
4 'I believe in responsible tourism.'
Complete the sentences below with the words and the
following phrases
against anti
don't feel in
favour really care
I'm not __________-cars – I just think more people
should use public transport.
I don't __________about people. They can look
after themselves.
I'm _____________of small family-run companies.
I ____________ in responsible tourism.
I' m __________ cars in the city centre.
I _____________ local farmers.
I ____________ strongly about politics.
Which statements do you
agree with? What other things do you feel strongly about?
Grammar 1: Subject questions
Look at
the sentence and the questions (1 and 2) below. Answer questions (a-c)
subject verb
Jo believes in responsible
1 Who believes in
responsible tourism? 2 What does
Jo believe in?
a) What is the subject of the main verb in
question 1?
b) What is the subject of the main verb in
question 2?
c) In
questions where Who (Which, What or Whose) is the subject
of the verb, do you use do, does or did?
Write questions for the missing subjects or
a) Mahatma Gandhi believed in [object]. What
did Mahatma Gandhi believe in?
b) [subject] said, 'I have a dream' in a famous
speech. Who said, 'I have a dream'
in a famous speech?
c) 'Slogan' means [object]. What …
d) [subject] has a boat called 'Rainbow Warrior'.
Which organisation…
e) Thirty-six million people protested against [object] in 2003. What …
f) [subject fought against apartheid for over
fifty years. Who …
Ask your partner the
questions. Choose answers from below
Greenpeace Martin Luther King Nelson Mandela non-violent
polítical message the Iraq war
Grammar 2: Dynamic and stative meanings
meanings (something 'happens')
He has lunch
at 1.00 p.m. / He's
having lunch now.
Note: use
simple or continuous forms.
Stative meanings (nothing 'happens')
I believe in
democracy. / We want to help.
use simple forms
only. Some verbs (have,
look, think) can have
both meanings.
Look at the verbs in these extracts from the
interviews above. Answer the questions.
having fun with my friends.' 'They're polluting our rivers.'
a) Do the verbs describe actions or states?
b) What is the name of the tense used in each
Rewrite these sentences by putting the verb in
brackets in the present continuous.
a) A phone (ring) ____________ .
b) A teacher in
another class (talk) _______________ .
c) The traffic (make) __ a lot of noise.
d) A clock (tick) ______________ .
e) Birds (sing) __________ .
f) Rain
(fall) ______________ .
g) A student (laugh) __________ .
h) People (chat)
______________ .
V) Homework: look at the
verbs in brackets. Do they describe an action or a state? Complete the
sentences with the present simple or the present continuous.
a) Sue (think) _______________ of going out this evening.
b) Rosa (think) ________________ politics is boring.
e) Marta (have) ________________ a TV in her
d) Julie (have) _________________ difficulty
with this exercise.
e) Brian (look) ________________ like his
f) Rob (look) ________________ for a new place
to live.
g) Jane (like) _________________James Bond films.
h) Tony (know) ________________ how to play the
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