W10 - Elem

Elementary – Week 10 – What’s she like?

I)            Family:
1)    Which of these family members are male? Which are female? Which can be either?

aunt        brother        child         children          cousin         daughter      father/dad
grandfather           grandmother          mother/mum       niece             nephew
parents               sister               son                    twins                 uncle

2) Listen to Onyinye talking about her family. 

Match questions 1-3 with parts A—C of the conversation.
1. How many people are there in your family?
2. Who are you closest to?
3. Where does your family live?

3)  Can you complete Onyinye's sentences?
1. I have four ________________.
2. Most of my family live in_________________ .
3. My uncle and aunt have_______________ children, or eight children.
4. I live with my______________ , so I see her a lot of the time.
5. I see my ______________ quite often.
6. The member of my family that I'm closest to is my_______________ .
7. We _______________ very similar and we have similar style.
4) Do you think Onyinye has a large family? Think about families you know.

II)         Reading: Friends
1)           Read the information about two friends. How do you think they met?

ED SMITH was born in                                   Poet and novelist VIKRAM
England in 1977, the son of the                      SETH was born in India in 1952.
novelist and teacher Jonathan                         He went to schools in India
Smith. He went to Tonbridge                           and England, and studied at
School and Cambridge                                    universities in England, the USA
University, and is now a well-                          and China. His novels include A
known cricketer and journalist.                        Suitable Boy and An Equal Music.

2)   Read to check how Vikram and Ed met.

I first met Ed when he was about sixteen. I was at his father’s house but I don’t remember much about Ed then — he was just the son of my old English teacher. His dad invited me to stay the night so I had Ed’s room and I think Ed slept on the sofa. The next morning I wrote him a poem to say thank you.
Years later I was in Australia and I got a call saying, “Can I meet you? In India, if your friend’s child phones up and asks if they can meet you, the answer is “yes”, no question. So I couldn’t say no and I’m happy I didn’t. I like Ed and I admire him in many ways.
Ed is young and old at the same time. He’s outgoing and adventurous and also very independent and hard-working. He wants to do his best in life.
It’s difficult to say why we’re friends. We don’t ask a lot of each other, we just enjoy our friendship. Whenever I meet him it’s interesting.
1.   How old was Ed when Vikram met him?
2.   Where did they meet?
3.   Why did Vikram write a poem for Ed?
4.   When and where did they meet for the second time?
5 What's Ed like?
6 What does Vikram say about his friendship with Ed?

3)        Tick the adjectives you know from the articles about Ed and Vikram. adventurous         creative        funny          hard—working        independent intelligent               outgoing                     serious

III)       Listening:
1)        Listen to Lesley talking about someone she admires.

What does Lesley say about Sybil? Circle the correct words.
1.  She's a relative / a neighbour
2.  She loves going out / talking
3.  She wants to live alone / with her daughter.
4.  She's happy /not happy with her home and her life.
5.  Her father / uncle trained her for a car race.
6.  She won the race and still has the silver car/cup.

2)        Look at the sentences a-i. Which is about:
1.   how often you see or contact each other?
2.   how close your relationship is?
3.   how similar your interests are’?
a.   We don't see each other a lot.
b.   We get on really well.
c.    We're interested in the same things.
d.   We can talk about everything together.
e.   We get in touch maybe twice a year.
f.     We like different things.
g.   We spend a lot of time together.
h.   We're very close.
i.     We don't know each other very well.

IV)        Homework:
Look at sentences A—D.
A I like Ed and I admire him in many ways.
B I’d like to go to Cuba and Ireland. (=want)
C Our mum says we're like twins, just born ten years apart. (=are similar to)
D Soon fashionable men... started wearing wigs, like the man in this picture. (=for example)
Add like to sentences 1-8.
1.   Would   you   anything   from   home?
2.   I   don't    bad    news.
3.   We    all   play    yunnori. It's    chess.
4.   There    are    more    and    more    people    José    Luis    all    over    the world.
5.   How    many    would    you?
6.   But    sometimes    I    do     extra     work,    writing    reviews.
7.   I    going    to    bed    late.
8.   Men    in    towns    and    cities     in     all    regions    of    India    usually wear   western-style    clothing,    shirts    and    trousers.

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