W22 - Elem

Week 22 – Elementary – A Traveller’s Tale



I)            Reading :

1)   Match the pictures and the words: bear / snake / pigeon / spider / rat / bat

2)   How do you feel about these animals?

3)   Read the story: Help!

Belinda Ramos work for a large IT company and travels whenever she can. She’s visited Belgium, Lebanon, England, France, Germany, Japan and Mexico. She’d love to go to Africa one day.

I was in the south of Japan at the time. One morning, I woke up in my hotel room, opened my eyes and looked around my room. The first thing I saw was a huge spider on the wall. It was about ten centimeters across. I hate spiders! I ran out of the room to the reception desk and shouted for help. “Kuma!” I remembered from my Japanese lessons that ‘kuma’ means ‘spider’.

“Kuma?” the receptionist said.

“Kuma!” I shouted again. “In my room!”



The receptionist looked really frightened. She picked up the phone and said something quickly in Japanese. About a minute later – and I’m not joking – a policeman with a gun ran into the hotel and went into my room. For a minute there was silence but then we heard a laugh, so we went in. when the receptionist saw the spider on the wall, she started laughing too. In Japanese, spider is ‘kumo’. ‘Kuma’ means ‘bear.’

4)   What was Belinda frightened of? What was the receptionist frightened of?

5) Answer the following questions :

1.   Who took Japanese lessons ? _______________________________________

2.   Who shouted ‘Kuma’ ? ____________________________________________

3.   Who made a phone call? ___________________________________________

4.   Who looked frightened? ____________________________________________

5.   Who went into Belinda’s room first? ___________________________________

6.   Who laughed? ____________________________________________________

6) Have you ever experienced a mix up in English or French?


II)         Grammar:

1)   Articles

Choose the correct form in the following rules:

-      Use a / the / no article when you talk about a person or thing for the first time

-      Use a / the / no article when the reader or listener knows which thing

-      Use a / the / no article when you talk about things in general

2)   You use the in a lot of fixed expressions and before some adjectives. Add

expressions 1-3 from Belinda's story to the table

Time expressions

Place expressions

Before some adjectives

in the morning

at the weekend

at the moment








in the middle of …

in the corner of …

at the end of …

the best, the worst, the most

the same

the last, the next



III)       Telling a story

1)   Put the numbers before the expression that:

1 start a story        2 link a story        3 end a story

Later,…     It was two in the morning…         It was really strange.    …and then …         

I was with some friends.        In the end,…        After that,…    I had a great time.             Well, this was a few weeks ago.

2)   Look at these pictures and read Holly's story.

in my car in the Rocky Mountains in Canada / lots of mountains and trees / see a family of bears, mother and two cubs / stop car / get out and take photos / cubs look frightened, mother gets angry / walks towards me / can't open car door…

3)   Think of a good ending for Holly's story. Imagine you are Holly. Prepare to tell the whole story. Think about:

- the past simple of the verbs [see > saw].

- where to use the [stop the car; the mother bear].

-  where to use storytelling expressions. [Later, ...]

IV)        Homework:

Complete the sentences with a, an, the, or no article.

1.   When was __________ last time you saw a spider?

2.   Do you like __________ pasta?

3.   Is there _________ art gallery near here?

4.   Can you open __________ door, please?

5.   Have you got ________ pen I can use?

6.   What’s __________ name of the person next to you?

7.   Do you like ________ cats?

8.   What's _________ easiest language to learn?

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