W03 - Elem

Week 03 – Elementary – Rent a room

I)            Reading :
1)   Read the adverts : Dublincapitalrentals.com

A Oxmantown Road, Dublin 7, North Dublin City
Apartment to let — €135 weekly
Single studio apartment with toilet and shower. Quiet house. Near Phoenix Park, on main bus route.
Rent includes central heating.
Available: from 8 Februaw
Contact: Max, 01 355 O1 26

B Collins Avenue West, Dublin 9, North Dublin City
Single bedroom to let — €1O0 weekly
Share 3-bed house with two women.
Looking for males or females.
Modern, non smoking. Parking included. 4.3 km from city centre.
Available: immediately
Contact: C Kerrigan, 0868 58 75 77

C Hazelwood, Dublin 9, North Dublin City
Room to let — 6600 monthly
Students only! Furnished single room on 10th floor. wn bathroom.
Shared living room and kitchen.
Near Dublin City University.
Available: immediately
Contact: Jess Keyes, 087 259 08 62

2)   Find words or expressions in adverts A-C which mean:

  A 1 money you pay to live somewhere — ___________________
 2 for one person — ___________________
 3 system for making a place warm- _____________________
  B 4 men/Women — __________________________
 5 ready to live in — _________________________
 6 now, without waiting — _____________________.
  C 7 with bed, wardrobe, chairs etc. —____________________
 8 only for you - __________________________
 9 for you and other people — ____________________________

3)   Which place is best for someone who:
l doesn't smoke and has a car?
2 doesn't like noisy places and doesn't have a car?
3 doesn't have furniture?

II)         Listening :
1)   Listen to Alicia calling about one of the rooms. Which one is she interested in?

2)   Match the questions and answers.

1 Does the room have its own bathroom and kitchen?
2 ls there a washing machine?
3 ls it near a bus stop for the city centre?
4 ls heating included in the rent’?
5 Can l see the room this evening?

a Yes, it's five minutes from the bus stop.
b Yes, any time after six.
c It has a bathroom with a shower, but you'll share the kitchen.
d Yes, it's in the kitchen, and there's a dishwasher.
e Yes, it's a hundred euros a week for everything, except the telephone

3)   Work in A/B pairs.
A, you're interested in the apartment on Oxmantown Road.
B, you're interested in the room in Hazelwood.
Think of four questions you want to ask about the flat or apartment.

III)       Vocabulary : keyword on
1)   Add the underlined expressions to the table.
1 Plates and mugs and stuff are up here on the shelf
2 Please use the wardrobe on the left
3 Talking to my husband and watching something good on TV with him
4 We have two New Years, one on January 1st and Seollal, in January or February.
5 And can he come on Friday?
6 On Sofasurfing.com you can read people's profiles, email them and go and stay in their homes
7 You can stay on a sofa or spare bed for one or two nights
8 I'm often on planes or trains and in hotels and offices around the world.
Days, dates
Media and communication

2)   Add on to the questions.
l What did you do Friday evening?
2 What do you listen to the radio?
3 How often do you go the internet?
4 When was your first trip a plane?
5 What's your favourite programme TV?
6 Do you always work Mondays?

IV)        Homework:
Listen to Estrella's story.

Answer the questions:
1.   Where was the crack in the ceiling?
2.   What did Estrella think about it?
3.   How long did Estrella live in the flat?
4.   Who went to live in the flat after Estrella?

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