W 23 - Int 1

Intermediate 1 - Week 23 – Space Tourists

I)            Listening :
1)   You are going to listen to a radio programme. All the following words appear in the programme:
blast off        contestant     game show     museum          rocket             tourism
What do you think it is about?
2)   Listen and answer the questions:

1.   How many space tourists have there been?
2.   How much did they pay to go into space?
3.   Who is organizing the new game show?
4.   What countries will the contestants come from?
5.   Where will the game show be filmed?
6.   What is the prize?
7.   Will the winner visit the International Space Station?
8.   Who thinks that space tourism is too dangerous?
3)   Would you like to go into space? Why or why not?

II)         Vocabulary : compound nouns with numbers
1)   Which phrase is correct?
1.   20-million-dollar cheque/ 20-million dollars cheque
2.   Thirteen-part show/ thirteen-parts show
3.   Eight-day trip/ eight-days trip
Match the words from column A with the words from column B to complete the sentences


1.   He went to England for a ____________ in business English.
2.   Have you got change for a _________________?
3.   I’ve never stayed in a ______________.
4.   Let’s stop for a ________________ and a cup pf coffee.
5.   I usually work an ______________ but sometimes I do more.
6.   She lives in a _____________ in the Hollywood Hills.

III)       Grammar : predictions 2 (maybe, probably, certainly, etc)
We can use words like possibly and perhaps to make our predictions sound more or less probable.
We usually put maybe and perhaps at the beginning of the sentence
Perhaps it will be you
Possibly, probably, certainly and definitely come after will in positive sentences and before won't in negative sentences
The contestants will certainly need to be very fit.
The winner possibly won’t visit the space station.
1.   Who feels sure (S)? who doesn’t feel so sure (NS)?
a)   Mars will probably become a kind of airport.
b)   There’ll certainly be hotels and factories up there.
c)   Yeah, but flights will definitely be expensive.
d)   Well, I certainly won’t see Mars. I’m unemployed.
e)   You’ll probably get a free trip then: no return!
2.   Put the words in brackets into the correct place in the sentences.
a)   We won’t discover life on other planets. (probably)
b)   _________________________________________________________________
c)   China will be the first country to land a person on Mars. (possibly)
d)   __________________________________________________________________
e)   Ordinary people won’t be able to travel in space for a very long time. (definitely)
f)    __________________________________________________________________
g)   There will be hotels in space in the next twenty years. (perhaps)
h)   __________________________________________________________________
i)    Engineers will build factories in space. (certainly)
j)    __________________________________________________________________
k)   We will stop spending money on space exploration. (maybe)

IV)        Speaking :
Choose one of the questions below for a class survey. Ask the other students in the class what they think. Use the following words in your answers:
definitely               probably                 possibly             definitely not
1.   Will you ever speak very good English?
2.   Will you ever be in trouble with the police?
3.   Will you lose your teeth or your hair?
4.   Will you live to be 100?
5.   Will you be a millionaire?

V)          Homework :
Complete the sentences with the compound nouns from the alphabetti-spaghetti

1.   I’m taking a _____________________ in Spanish.
2.   A ___________________ from work isn’t a long time for new mothers.
3.   No air-conditioning! In a _____________________!
4.   Pieces of a ________________________ fell from the sky last month in South Africa.
5.   I don’t have anything smaller than a ______________________.
6.   It’s a _________________ from here to Bruges.

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