W05 - Elem

Week 05 – Elementary – Shopping List

I)            Vocabulary : food
1)   Read the following shopping list:
Bananas        apples            prawns            chocolate           chicken        carrots
Potatoes       cheese         butter         watermelon       onions         beef      rice
Bread          lettuce       salmon          lemon      yoghurt          broccoli       lamb
2)   Which of the foods on the shopping list do you like? Tell each other.
3)   Find one more food in the list that:
is sweet: _________________________________________________________
is good for you: ____________________________________________________
has a skin: ________________________________________________________
is round : __________________________________________________________
is good if you're on a diet: ____________________________________________
is high in carbohydrates: _____________________________________________
is low in carbohydrates: ______________________________________________
Compare your ideas. Do you agree?
II)         Reading :
1)   Read the article : Weird fruit and veg
Greengrocer Charlie Hicks looks at some of the unusual fruit and vegetables you can buy in supermarkets today.
Purple carrots
Did you know that people in the past didn't eat carrots because they didn't taste good? They used them for medicine, and they were white, purple, red, yellow or black. People only grew the first orange carrots about 500 years ago. Now  supermarkets sell carrots with purple or yellow skins, but they’re still orange inside. I don't see the point. Close your eyes and it’s a carrot.
lt’s a silly name but I like strawmatoes. lt’s not a strawberry mixed with a tomato because you can't do that. It's just a different type of tomato. They’re nice and sweet so you can put them in desserts.
Low_carb potatoes
These are special potatoes that are very low in carbohydrates, so they’re good for you if you're on a diet. Again, what’s the point? I’d rather have normal potatoes. If you don't want to eat carbohydrates, have some lettuce.
Square watermelons
I don't like these. l think they’re silly. The Japanese first made square watermelons in about 2001, because round watermelons are difficult to keep in fridges. You can buy them in a few supermarkets these days. No fruit or vegetable is naturally square. I eat a lot of watermelon and l prefer a nice, round one.
Red bananas
l eat a lot of these too. l like them because they’re very sweet. Go and buy some, but eat them quickly because they’re only good for a few days.
2)   Which fruit and vegetables does Charlie like? Which ones doesn’t he like? Why?
3)   Cover the article. Match 1-4 with a-d.

1.   I prefer
2.   I'd rather
3.   I like them
4.   I don't like these.
a.   because they're very sweet
b.   a nice, round one.
c.    have normal potatoes.
d.   I think they're silly.

4)    Give your opinions about these fruit and vegetables.
normal potatoes / low-carb potatoes
    yellow bananas / red bananas
tomatoes / strawmatoes
- round watermelons / square watermelons
- orange carrots / purple carrots

III)       Grammar : Countables/ uncountables
1)   Look at the pictures

Which food in pictures A—E can you count? These are countable nouns. Which can't you count? These are uncountable nouns.
2)   Match pictures A—E to sentences 1-5 in the table.
How many bananas do you want?
I prefer a nice, round watermelon.
I'd like some carrots, please.  
I eat a lot of bananas.
How much lettuce would you like?
Have some lettuce.
I eat a lot of watermelon.
3)   Make three rules.

1 You can use many, a/an and numbers with
2 You can use much with
3 You can use some and a lot of with
a countable and uncountable nouns
b countable nouns.
c uncountable nouns.

4)    Circle the correct words
1.   How many/ much tomatoes would you like?
2.   How many/ much milk do you have in your tea?
3.   Would you like a/ some rice?
4.   I'd like an/ some apple, please.
5.   I buy a lot of/ a bread every week.
6.   Can you buy some banana/ bananas?
7.   I'd like some lettuce/ lettuces in my sandwich.
8.   I need six tomato/ tomatoes

IV)        Speaking:
Ask and answer the questions.
I What's your favourite food? What's your favourite drink? Why?
2 Do you eat and do other things at the same time? What?
3 Is there something you especially like eating in winter? in summer? What?
V)          Homework:
What food do you buy every week? What do you eat a lot of? Write five sentences.

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