W25 - Elem

Week 25 – Elementary – Experiences



I)            Speaking :

When was the last time you:

1.   used a mobile phone?

2.   went to a gym?

3.   worked after eleven at night?

4.   read a book you didn't like?

5.   saw a horror film?

6.   smoked a cigarette?

7.   played a new game or sport?

8.   ate a hamburger?


II)         Reading :

Read the web postings. Are any of them true for you?

Happy to say, I've never

Do you ever feel you're a little bit different from the crowd? What things are you happy you've never done?

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I've never had a mobile phone. Why do people these days make phone calls while driving their cars or shopping in the supermarket? When I leave my house, I'm happy to get away from my phone for a few hours!    


I've never read a Harry Potter book or seen any of the films.        


I've never played golf. Why pay money to hit a ball around a large area of land that was once beautiful countryside?         


I've never liked The Beatles. I don't understand people who do.      


I've never worked for a company with good management. I've never believed managers when they say “people are the most important thing in our company".     


I've never smoked, or eaten a McDonald's hamburger.             


I've never wanted to stop smoking.              


I've never been to a gym. I've never understood people who climb mountains or do extreme sports!                  


I've never said "never"!                     



III)       Grammar: present perfect [have/has + past participle]

1)   In the article, Frances says I've never had a mobile phone. Is she talking about;

1 the past?           2 the present?          3 her whole life up to now’?

2)   Complete the sentences with 've [have] or 's [has].

I ______________ never played golf.

You _____________ never been to my flat.

He ______________never eaten a hamburger.

We _________ never had a garden.

They __________ never worked in an office before.

3)   Find the past participles of these verbs in the article.

Regular [-ed]

Play __________________

Like __________________

Work _________________

Believe _______________

Smoke _______________

Want ________________




Go ______________

Have ____________

Read ____________

See _____________

Eat _____________

Understand ___________________

Do __________________

Say _________________


4)   What are the irregular past participles of these verbs?

Ride ____________

Take ____________

Drink ____________

Fly ______________

Drive _____________

Meet ______________

Be _______________

5)   Write six sentences with never about yourself or people you know, three true and three false.

True sentences


False sentences


6)   Listen to each other’s sentences. Which do you think are true? Which are false?


IV)        Homework:

Make sentences with the present perfect

1.   I / never / do / any extreme sports.


2.   I / never / understand / maths.


3.   We / never / have / a TV at home.


4.   My brother / never / smoke.


5.   My parents / never / go / to the USA.


6.   I / never / be / interested in football.


7.   My mother / never / like / cooking.


8.   Jo / never / work / in an office before.




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