W10 - Int 2

Intermediate 2 – Week 10 – Men vs Women

I)            Speaking:
1)   Complete the table according to your opinion.
a) 'Let's ask that woman for directions.'
b) 'I've just picked up that enormous spider in the bath.'
c) 'But I just don't need another pair of shoes.'
d) 'You drive, darling - you're so much better at it than me.'
e) 'Do you think I'd look better if I put on a few kilos?'
f) 'Let's switch off the TV, I want to talk about our relationship.'
g) 'I'd love to have dinner with your sister. The only thing on telly tonight is football.'
h) 'Shall I check the tyre pressures when I go to the petrol station?'

Things women never say
Things men never say

2)   Do the questionnaire: Survey, men and women

One thousand British men and women between the ages of 18 and 35 were interviewed for a survey to find out the differences between male and female attitudes to relationships. These are the questions they were asked.
Tick the answers a), b) or c).

1 Have you done any of the following to attract somebody?
a) Bought new clothes.
b) Dieted.
c) Lied about your age.
2 After a first date, when do you expect him/her to call you?
a) The next day.
b) Within three days.
c) Within a fortnight.
3 If he/she doesn't arrive on time for a first date, how long will you wait?
a) Five minutes.
b) Fifteen minutes.
c) Half an hour or more.
4 If your partner forgets your birthday, how do you feel?
a) I get upset.
b) I get angry.
c) I don't care - it's only a birthday.
5 What is your attitude to marriage?
a) I'm in favour of marriage.
b) I don't have strong feelings about marriage.
c) I consider marriage to be unnecessary.
6 What is your attitude to fathers staying at home to look after the children?
a) It's a good idea.
b) It's not ideal but it's OK.
c) It's not appropriate.

II)         Reading:
Read about some of the more interesting findings to come out of the survey.
Complete the survey results with men or women, as you think appropriate.
On attraction: Three out of four women said that they had bought new clothes to attract somebody, compared with only one in five men. Similarly, while just over half of the women told us that they had dieted so that they would be more attractive, only one in ten men admitted that they had done the same. However, a significant number of both men and women admitted that they had lied about their age, with the important difference that __________ tended to say they were older, while _______ were more likely to knock a few years off their age.
On dating: The majority of people said that they expected to be called within three days after a first date. However, 35% of __________ insisted that they expected to be phoned the next day, while only 19% of _________ gave this answer. On average, men are prepared to wait longer on a first date if the woman doesn't arrive on time. 18% of women said that they would only wait for five minutes, whereas 67% of men claimed that they would wait half an hour or more.
On birthdays The results of the survey suggest that ________ attach greater importance to birthdays than _________ . 49% of women admitted that they got angry or upset, if their partner forgot their birthday, while more than three-quarters of the men interviewed claimed that they didn't care.
On marriage: The results of the survey show that _________ are more in favour of marriage than _______ .
41 % of ________ said that they considered marriage to be unnecessary, and 20% told us that they didn't mind whether they got married or not. When we asked ______ about marriage, four out of five told us that they definitely intended to get married one day.
On childcare: 65% of ________ are in favour of fathers staying at home to look after the children. However, when we asked ________ for their opinion, the majority replied
hat it was not appropriate.

III)       Grammar: Reported speech
When you report statements, you need to change tenses, pronouns, time expressions and the word order.
Ana said, ‘I don’t believe you.’ -> Ana said she didn’t believe me
Ana said, ‘I’ve had a great day.’ -> she said she’d cut her finger
Ana said, ‘I’m going to have a shower.’ -> she said she was going to have a shower
Ana said, ‘I can’t be bothered to cook.’ -> she said she couldn’t be bothered to cook
Ana said, ‘I don’t want to go out.’ -> she said she didn’t want to go out
Ana said, ‘I’ll order a Chinese take away’ -> she said she would order a Chinese T.A.

IV)        Homework :

Report the direct speech using the verb in brackets. Use he/ she and him/ her according to whether you think it is a man or a woman speaking to a man.

1.   I hate spending money on new clothes. (said)
2.   I’m not wearing this outfit again! (told)
3.   Do you think I look fat in these trousers? (ask)
4.   I must go on a diet. (said)
5.   I’ve checked the oil and put some air in the tyres. (told)
6.   Don’t forget that it’s our anniversary tomorrow. (said)
7.   I don’t want to get married until I’m forty. (said)
8.   What time does your salsa class finish? (asked)

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