W05 - Int 1

Week 05 – Intermediate 1 – Holiday Heaven

I)            Reading :
1)   Read the web page : Looking for something different? We have the holiday for you.
1.   Sea holidays
Scuba Safari: Experience the beauty of the seas of Borneo
Titanic Times: An unforgettable dive to the wreck of the Titanic
Dolphin Days: Swim with the dolphins of the Bahamas
2.   Adventure holidays
Route 66: An incredible journey from Chicago to Los Angeles by Harley-Davidson
Mountain Memories: Cycling through the volcanic valleys of Reunion Island
Mach 2: Fly a Russian MiG-29 jet and see the world from above the clouds
3.   Haunted holidays
Monster Party: Looking foe the Loch Ness monster (includes visits to whisky distilleries)
Feast of Lanterns: Experience the magic of the Hungry Ghost Festival in Malaysia
Yeti Hunt: Two weeks in the high Himalayas on the trail of the yeti
4.   History trails
Great Wall: Explore the villages and temples of Mongolia and northern China
Mayan Treasures: See the lost Mayan pyramids in the rain forest of Mexico
Alexander the Great: Follow the path of Alexander the Great through the historic cities of Turkey
2)   Read about some more holidays.
1.   Meet the Shojo: Explore the Pacific Islands of southern Japan in the company of Shojo ghosts
2.   Siberian White Water: Kayak down the Katun River
3.   Inca Gold: Follow the trail of the conquistadors and discover the ancient Peruvian cities
4.   Grand Canyon: Paragliding and sky diving in America’s Wild West
5.   Arctic Ice: A visit by submarine to a wreck under the Arctic ice
6.   1492: Discover the Jamaica and Puerto Rico of Christopher Colombus
What type of holiday 1-4 are they?
3)   Match the paragraphs A-D to the types of holidays 1-4 in the web page advertisement above
A.   I’m really looking forward to riding the motorbike. I hope to go with a friend, but he hasn’t got enough money, I intend to go alone. I’ve got a brother in Los Angeles and I plan to stay with him when I get there.
B.   We would like to learn some Chinese before we go, because we want to meet lots of people when we’re there. My wife is looking forward to seeing the wall, but I’m more interested in finding out about the people who live in that part of the world.
C.   I know it’s going to be difficult so I plan to do a lot of practise on my bike before I go. I intend to take a lot of photos of the volcanoes and the animals and everything. I hope to get some pictures of the monkeys. I want to have an exhibition of the photos when I get back.
D.  I would really like to see the monster, but it doesn’t matter too much. I’m also interested in seeing Scotland and I plan to visit the village where my father was born. My husband is looking forward to tasting all the different whiskies.
4)   Which of these holidays do not interest you? Why?

II)         Vocabulary : verb pattern
1)   Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentences
1.   I hope to find/ finding the yeti
2.   I intend to take / taking some Turkish lessons.
3.   I’m very interested in learn/ learning more about the yeti.
4.   I’m looking forward to swim/ swimming with the dolphins.
5.   I plan to spend/ spending two weeks in the jungle.
6.   I want to visit / visiting the old temples.
7.   I would like to read / reading more about Alexander.
2)   Choose one of the holidays from the advertisement. Prepare answers to these questions.
Which holiday do you want to go on?
Would you like to go with another person or alone?
Why are you interested in that holiday?
Do you intend to prepare for the holiday in any way?
What do you plan to take with you?
What are you looking forward to most in the holiday?
What do you hope to do when you are there?

III)       Listening :
Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.

1.   What is the passenger’s seat number?
a.   21A          b. 23A              c. 23F
2.   When does his plane board?
a.   12.00        b. 12.15           c. 12.30
3.   What is his departure gate?
a.   21            b. 31                 c. 41
4.   Where is the passenger going?
a.   Dublin       b. Glasgow         c. London
5.   What can’t he take on the plane?
a.   His comb    b. his jacket      c. his mobile phone
6.   What does the male passenger order to drink?
a.   Coffee         b. hot chocolate    c. tea
7.   How much does the drink cost?
a.   €2.50          b. €3.50             c. €4.50

IV)        Speaking :
Two friends from Australia are coming to visit you for a week. It is their first visit to your country. You are going to be their guide.
First of all, decide what you intend to do with them. Look at the list and use ideas of your own:

Visit different parts of the country
Things to do and see
Means of transport
Places to stay
Places and things to eat
People to introduce them to
Things to do on the last night

V)          Homework :
1.  We tried to catch/ catching the 9 o'clock train, but we arrived too late.
2.  The doctor told Henry to stop to smoke/ smoking.
3.  Do you expect to pass/ passing your maths exam?
4.  All the beach hotels were full, so they ended up to stay/ staying in the town centre.
5.  I love this city. I can't imagine not to live/ not living here.
6.  Jerry promised to fix/ fixing my computer for me.
7.  I meant to buy/ buying some stamps yesterday, but I forgot.
8.  Do your children enjoy to play/ playing computer games?

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