Week 21 – Pre –
Intermediate – Volunteers
& Listening:
1) Read
this l¡st of different duties that people volunteer to do in developing countries. Which duties do
you feel you could do/ couldn't do?
a) work in an orphanage
b) teach children to read
c) look after sick animals
d) visit people in hospital
e) teach
f) help to construct houses, bridges, roads
g) do housework and help in
people's homes
h) plant trees and do organic farming
2) Read
the website information: Welcome to original volunteers
Change your life.
Do something important.
Learn new
skills, gain
and make friends for life.
1. Northern
Volunteers live with a
local family
Duties: you help in
people’s homes, plant trees and do organic farming. You can also try learning
Free Time: you can go
to festivals and go trekking in the Himalayas.
2. Ghana
Volunteers help at an
Duties: you play with
the children and teach them to read
Free Time: you can
visit the wonderful beaches or see the elephants in the National Park.
3) Match
the projects (1 and 2) with the duties (a-h)
Which duties does the
information not mention?
Listen to Helen and her friend.
Which project is Helen going to join?
Which project is Helen going to join?
5) Tick
the things Helen says she's going to do.
a) change her life
b) get a better boyfriend
c) do something
d) work
with animals
e) work
in all orphanage
f) get a good salary
Which of the two projects
would you like to do?
6) Listen
to a conversation between Helen and her mother about Helen's
arrangements for her trip
to Ghana. Underline the correct word.
a) Helen
is confident / depressed
/ surprised.
b) Helen's mum is angry / embarrassed / worried.
7) Underline the correct
a) Helen is arriving in Accra at 10.00 a.m./ p.m.
b) Bob White is taking her to her school / accommodation.
e) She's staying with a Ghanaian / Nigerian family.
d) She's starting work on Wednesday / Monday.
e) She's working in a big/ small town near Accra.
f) She's coming back in time for her mum's / dad's birthday.
In what situations do you
worry about your children?
Grammar: future - be going to/ present
1) You
can use (be) going
to to talk about your future
intentions. You have made a decision about
a future event and you are talking about that decision.
One of these days I’m going
to get fit. He's going to tell me all
about his holidays.
You can use the present continuous to talk about
future arrangements. You have arranged a
future event and you are talking about that arrangement.
Are you doing anything on Thursday? We're
meeting the President this afternoon at
2.00 p.m.
In many situations (be) going to and the
present continuous are both possible. Put a tick if both options are possible.
Put a cross if the present continuous is NOT
a) I'm going to meet / meeting a friend after the lesson.
b) I'm going lo start / starting guitar lessons one day.
c) My friends are going to come /
coming round this evening.
d) I'm going to see /
seeing my grandparents this weekend.
e) I'm going to read /
reading a novel in English one of
these days.
f) I'm going to win / winning my tennis match this weekend!
g) I'm going to
play / playing football on Monday.
h) I’m going to learn /
learning Chinese one day.
Look at Jane's diary:
26th May
9.20: Dentist
11.00: Meet Mum in town
1.00: Lunch
with Vicky
3.00: Tennis with Tim
4.30: Collect
the children from school
7.30-9.30: Drink.
with Tim
Complete the conversation:
Rick: Would you like to
meet for a coffee tomorrow morning?
Jane: I can't
Rick: What about later in
the morning?
Jane: Sorry, but ___________________________
Rick: OK. Are you free
for lunch?
Jane: I'd love to, but _______________
Rick: And the afternoon?
Jane: ______________ with Tim, and then at 4.30 _____________ .
Rick: Dinner?
Jane: Look, I'm really
sorry but from 7.30 to 9.30 __________________ .
Rick: OK, OK. Another time…
By the way, who's Tim?
2) Write
questions about the future with (be)
going to
a) drive home
/ after the lesson?
b) watch TV /
this evening ?
c) do anything
interesting / next week
d) buy any new
clothes / this weekend?
e) learn another foreign language / one
day ?
f) travel abroad / next
year ?
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