W24 - Int 1

Intermediate 1 - Week 24 – Great Ideas



I)            Listening & Speaking :

1)   Listen to the recording

2)   Discuss these questions :

Here are some new gadgets: blacklight writer, aurora touch clock, splats, water dispenser and key finder

1.   Which of these gadgets would you like to buy? For whom?

2.   Which of these will sell the most. Put the gadgets in order (from 1=best seller to 5=worst seller)


II)         Reading :

1)   Read the following magazine article : A Great Idea?

Ash Sharma, a second-year business studies student at Thames Valley University, thinks he has found a good way to make money. He needs £5,000 to get his idea off the ground, but his father has refused to help. What do you think? Read both sides of the story and decide for yourself.

ASH: My idea is very simple, really. I already have a small website called businessessays.com _____. Business students at university log on to the site and download essays. They have an essay to write for homework, for example, but they need some help with it. On the site, they find the essay they need, download it ___. At the moment, the site is free but if I can improve it, that will change.

I want to make the site much bigger and my idea is to make it really international. I have found some software that can translate the essays into sixteen different languages. It will be easy for people from all round the world.

I need about two months to do all the programming ___. When everything is ready, people will pay $2.99 a month to use my service. If it’s successful, I will be able to sell advertising, too.

Of course, I can’t continue with my university studies and set up the site at the same time. And if I wait, someone else will take my idea ____.

 ASH’S FATHER: I would like to help my son, but my wife and I agree that it is not a good idea to lend him £5,000 now. There are two main reasons for our decision.

My son has an interesting idea ____. Will his idea work? At the moment, it’s impossible to say. Are there any other websites that offer a similar service? How successful are these other sites? How many customers will he need before he starts to make money? If the site is successful, will he need to employ other people? How many? How much will he pay his staff __?

And finally – is it legal to help students with their homework? When he has a business plan and when he has the answers to these questions, I will think again.

We also think that it is important for our son to finish his university studies before he starts this website. If he leaves now, it will be too risky. What will happen to him if his idea doesn’t work? He will find himself with no job and no qualification, _____, he will find it is difficult to get a good job. There are some things in life that we must wait for ___. After he finishes his studies, we will talk about his idea again.

2)   Answer the following questions:

1.   How does Ash think that he can make money?

2.   Why does Ash want to leave university?

3.   Why doesn’t Ash’s father want to help him?

3)   Put the phrases a-h into the gaps 1-8

a.   And Ash is still very young.

b.   And I need money to buy the software.

c.    And if he does not have a qualification.

d.   And it is very successful.

e.   And it will be too late.

f.     And use it for their work.

g.   And who will look after the finances.

h.   But he does not have a business plan.

4)   Discuss these questions:

5)   Is the website a good idea?

6)   Is Ash’s father right to refuse to lend him the money?

7)   Is it wrong to download essays from the internet?


III)       Vocabulary: adjectives with infinitives

Complete the sentences with one of the following infinitives:

to finish               to get              to help             to say                 to use

1.   It will be easy _________________________ the new website.

2.   It is impossible ________________________ if Ash’s idea will work.

3.   Is it legal _____________________ students with their homework?

4.   It’s important for my son ________________________ his studies.

5.   It’s difficult _______________________ a good job without a qualification.


IV)        Grammar : Present tense in future time clauses (first conditional)

1)   When we are talking about future time in clauses with if, when, after and before, we use the present tense. We can use will in the main clause of the sentence.

Subsidiary clause

Main clause

If it’s successful,

When everything is ready,

After he finishes his studies,

I will be able to sell advertising.

people will pay $2.99.

we will talk about his idea again.


2)   Complete the text. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Use will or present simple

A modelling agency has offered a job in Japan to a sixteen-year-old English school student, Emily. She has decided to take the job. ‘If I ___________________ (not take) the job, I _________________ (not get) the chance again,’ she said. Before she _________ (go), she ______________ (have) a big party for all her friends. ‘I’m so excited,’ she said. ‘When I ___________ (say) goodbye to my boyfriend at the airport, I _________ (be) very sad. But after I _____________________ (arrive) in Japan, everything ________________ (be) OK.’

If she ___________ (be) successful, the agency ______________ (give) her more work. ‘I’ve never done this before,’ she said, ‘but I’m sure I _______________ (be) good at it when I _____________ (have) a little experience.’


V)          Homework:

Complete the sentences so that they are true for you.

1.   If I don’t go out this weekend, I _____________________________________

2.   I _____________________ when I have enough money.

3.   After I leave the school today, I _____________________________________

4.   I ___________________________ before I am 65.

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