Week 05 – Pre – Intermediate – Numbers
1) Listen
and repeat the numbers:
¾ 0.25 0.33 1½
⅛ ¼ 1.5 0.125
1/3 0.75
Make pairs of numbers with
the same value.
2) Write
each number in full.
249 km /
hr __________________________________________________________
42.195 km __________________________________________________________
8.2% _______________________________________________________________
32-0 _______________________________________________________________
Match the numbers in column A with the facts in
column B.
249 km / hr
42.195 km
Cristiano Ronaldo's earnings in 2007
The percentage of the UK population who trust the
The biggest football score
The fastest tennis serve
5 The
official distance for a marathon
1) Imagine
that today is 'No-Stress Day'.
Read the list: 16 ways
to de-stress
1 Take
off your watch.
2 Switch off your mobile phone.
3 Don't eat your breakfast on your feet - sit down and enjoy it.
4 Put on
your most comfortable clothes.
5 Don't run
after the bus - Let it go.
6 Smell the roses.
7 Give
up the gym.
8 Fall
in love.
9 Only switch on your television if there's
something you really want to watch.
10 Throw
away or give away any clothes you haven't worn for the past two years.
11 Have a
12 Hang up your clothes when you take them off.
13 Spend ten
minutes doing absolutely nothing.
14 Walk.
15 Only do the
ironing if you love it.
16 Put on
your favourite music and turn up the volume.
Answer the questions.
a) Which suggestion is the easiest for you to
b) Which suggestion is the most difficult for you
to do?
Add your own suggestions
to the list.
1) Complete
the sentences using these phrasal verbs from the list above.
give up hang
up put on
off switch on
take off throw away
a) I always
____________ my shoes before I go into my house.
b) If I want to relax, I _______________ all the
lights and sit in silence.
c) When I want to look my best, I ______________
a suit.
d) I could never _____________ coffee - it's the
only thing that keeps me awake.
e) The first thing I do when I get to the office
is ________ my computer.
f) I never ___________ plastic bags because they're
so useful.
g) I never do any ironing. I just _________ my clothes very carefully when they are wet.
Are any of the sentences true for you?
Grammar: phrasal verbs
1) The
term 'phrasal verb' usually refers to al!
multi-word verbs, consisting of a verb + particle(s). Phrasal verbs can
be divided into three basic types:
1 Verb + particle (INTRANSITlVE)
Some phrasal verbs are
intransitive and don't take a direct object.
Sit down and enjoy it.
2 Verb + object + particle (TRANSITlVE -
The biggest group of
phrasal verbs is transitive. These verbs take a direct object.
With separable verbs,
when the direct object is a noun, you can
put it before or
after the particle.
Take off your shoes. OR Take your shoes off
When the direct object is
a pronoun, you have to put it between the verb and the particle.
Switch it off, please. (NOT Switch off it.)
3 Verb + particle + object (TRANSITlVE - NOT
With this type of phrasal
verb you always put the direct object - noun or pronoun
after the particle.
She looks after her grandmother.
Put the words in the correct order to make
answers to the questions. Look the phrasal verbs up in a dictionary if you are
not sure.
What shall I do
with this banana skin? (away / throw/ it)
What shall I do with
this mess? (it / up / clear)
What shall I do
with my trousers? (hang /
up / them)
What shall I do
about this problem? (it
/ deal /
What shall l do with the
application form? (fill
/ in / it)
What shall l do
about my party? Nobody can come.
(it / call / off)
Put the words in brackets
in the correct order to complete each sentence.
a) I'm very
similar to my mother – I ______________________
(after / take /her)
b) I have good relations with my
neighbours - I___________________________________(get/well/them/with/on)
e) I keep my neighbours' pet
when they go on holiday – I ___________(look/it/after)
d) I lived with my grandparents
when I was a child - they _____________________ (up/brought / me)
e) My children always leave
their things on the floor - they don't _______________________________ (away/them/put)
f) I invent excuses when I'm
late - I _________________________ (make/up/them)
g) I stopped going to the gym -
I _______________________________ (up/it/gave)
h) When l see a new phrasal verb
I consult my dictionary - I __________________ (it/look/up)
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