W04 - Elem

Week 04 – Elementary – What would you like?

I)            Listening and speaking: Do you like shopping?
1)   Listen to Andrew and Dorien talking about shopping. 

Do they like shopping?
2)    Who shops:
1 on the internet?
2 after work?
3 for food once a week?
3)   Talk together. Find out about each other's shopping habits.
Do you like shopping? Why?/Why not?
How often do you buy books? What about magazines and music?
What do you enjoy buying? What don't you enjoy buying?
Do you use the internet for shopping? What do you usually buy?

II)         Vocabulary: shops and shopping

1)   Match shops 1-8 with A—H on the plan of the shopping centre.

1.   a bookshop
2.   a pharmacy
3.   a shoe shop
4.   a sports shop
5.   a computer shop
6.   a music shop
7.   a clothes shop
8.   a newsagent

2)   Match places 9-15 with I-0 on the plan.

9.  the toilets
10.  a lift
11.  an escalator
12.  the entrance / the exit
13.                the stairs
14.                information
15.                a cash machine/an ATM

3)   Where can you go to:

1.   buy boots?  _________________
2.   buy maps? _________________
3.   get money? _________________
4.   buy trousers?  _______________
5.   buy a football jersey? _______________
6.   wash your hands? ____________
7.   buy medicine? _______________
8.   buy a magazine?

4)   What other things can you buy in each shop?

III)       Listening:
Listen to Jon shopping.

Which three shops does he go to? ______________________________________
What does he buy? __________________________________________________

IV)        Vocabulary: buying things
1)   Who asks questions 1-7? Write J [Jon] or A [the shop assistant]
1.   Do you need some help?
2.   How many would you like?
3.   ls that everything?
4.   Do you have any street maps?
5.   How much is this one?
6.   How much are they?
7.   Would you like anything else?

2)   Match questions 1-7 with these answers.
a.   Yes, they're over there.
b.   It's 5.99.
c.    l'd like a new tennis racket.
d.   They're 79.95.
e.   Yes, i think so.
f.     I'll have six, please.
g.   No, that's fine, thanks.

V)          Grammar: how much/ how many
Look at how much and how many in the conversations.
Which expression do you use to ask about the price of something? ____________
Which expression do you use to ask about the number of things? ______________

Exercice: complete with how much/ how many in the following sentences
1.   ____________________ stars are there in the sky?
2.   ____________________ people live on islands?
3.   ____________________ birds are there?
4.   ____________________ water is in the ocean?
5.   ____________________ money is in a bank?
6.   ____________________ countries are there in the world?
7.   ____________________ bread is eaten per day?
8.   ____________________ bones are there in the human body?
9.   ____________________ sand is in the deserts?

10.                _______________ information is on the internet?

VI)        Homework:
Find the ‘odd one out’ in each group.
chicken   apples   beef

salmon   tuna   yoghurt

bananas   watermelon   lamb

Add the odd words out to the correct group.
How many more words can you think of for each group?

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