W04 - Int2

Week 04 – Intermediate 2 – News

I)            Listening
1)   Discuss the questions with a partner.
a) Who are the most photographed celebrities in your country?
b) Which celebrities are in the news at the moment and why?
c) How do you think celebrities feel about being photographed by the paparazzi?

2)   You are going to listen to an interview with Jack - an experienced paparazzo. What do you think his views are about the following? Underline OK or not OK.
a) It's OK / not OK when paparazzi take photos of celebrities' glamorous lifestyles.
b) It's OK / not OK when paparazzi take unflattering photos of celebrities.
c) It's OK / not OK when paparazzi take photos of celebrities doing ordinary things.
d) It's OK / not OK when paparazzi take photos of celebrities' children.
e) It's OK / not OK when paparazzi follow celebrities everywhere.
f) It's OK / not OK when celebrities refuse to cooperate with the paparazzi.
g) It's OK / not OK when celebrities complain about the paparazzi.

3)   Listen and check your ideas. 

Do you agree with Jack?

II)         Grammar: Verb pattern

Verb +-ing form
Verb + to-infinitive
Verb + that
Verb + sb + (not) to-infinitive
Verb + sb + that
Can’t stand/bear doing sth
Don’t mind doing sth
Enjoy doing sth
Need to do sth
Promise to do sth
Try to do sth
Want to do sth
Agree to do sth
Realise that…
Say that …
Suggest that …
Think that …
Explain that …
Tell sb to do sth
Warn sb not to do sth
Ask sb to do sth
Warn sb that …
Tell sb that …

1)   Complete the following sentences about photographing celebrities. Use the following verbs
Agree          ask             enjoy               explain             tell
a) People _________ seeing photos of celebrities doing ordinary things.
b) Kate Moss ____________ us not to take photos of her daughter.
c) We've _________ that we don't want to upset her.'
d) Nicole Kidman always ______________ to smile for the camera.
e) Celebrities ______________ us that we're invading their privacy.

2)   In these statements two verbs are possible, and one is not. Cross out the verb that is not possible.
a) 'I asked / told / said him to stop, but he pushed the camera in my face and continued taking photos.’
b) 'I just try / want / enjoy to lead a normal life, but these people are making it impossible.'
c) 'When a celebrity gets aggressive, I tell / explain / say that I'm just doing my job.’
d) 'I told / warned / suggested him to stop taking photos of my little girl or I'd take
him to court.’
e) 'If they don't enjoy the attention, I think / suggest / tell that they should change
f) 'They're hypocritical. On the one hand they need / agree / don't mind to have
their photos in the press, and on the other hand they warn / tell / explain us that
we're invading their privacy.'
Who do you think made each statement: a paparazzo or a celebrity?

III)       Vocabulary
Complete the sentences with these adjectives from the interview
Obsessed                desperate                 hypocritical                  insensitive           photogenic                   unflattering
a) I read all the gossip about famous people. 1can't stop myself. I'm __________________ !
b) I like looking at _________________ photos of celebrities. It shows that they're not perfect.
c) I think it's ___________ to take photographs of celebrities when they are upset or ill. It's really unfair.
d) Some people say they're not interested in celebrities but then read about them in
magazines. I think they're ________________ .
e) I hate photos of myself because I always look terrible. I'm not very _______________ .
f) I'm ______________ to become rich and famous. I'd do anything to be a celebrity.

IV)        Homework:
1)   Complete the common verb patterns a-j with ask, explain, say or tell.
a) explain / say + (that)
b) explain / _______________ / say how / what, etc.
c) __________ / say sth to sb
d) ___________ sth on / about
e) ____________ sb + (that)
f) ____________ / tell sb why /how, etc.
g) _____________ / ask sb sth
h) ___________ / tell sb about sth
i)  ___________ sb for sth
j) _____________ / tell sb to do sth

2)   Say or tell? Underline the correct verbs in these sentences.
a) She said / told that she liked dancing.
b) Didn't he say / tell you that I wanted to see you?
c) I want to say / tell something on this subject.
d) Just say / tell me what she said / told.
e) 'Say / Tell me about your day,' she said / told.
f) I haven't been said / told anything about it.

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