W23 - Elem

Week 23 – Elementary – I’ve got a headache


I)            Vocabulary: the body and the health


1)    Do the quiz. Circle your answers.

BODY SENSE: Test your knowledge

1.    Your head weighs about  3,5  / 5.5 / 8.5 kilos.

2.    The stomach can hold  four / six / eight litres of food.

3.    You use 5 / 12 / 20 muscles to smile. You use about 50 / 70 / 8O muscles to speak.

4.    Our eyes never grow / stop growing. Our nose and ears never grow / stop growing.

5.    The body loses half a kilo / more than half a kilo / a kilo of skin every year.

6.    Over 20%/ 40% / 50% of the bones in your body are in your hands and feet.

7.    The smallest bone is in your ear / nose / little toe. it's the size of a grain of rice.

8.    Your thumb is the same length as your nose / big toe / ear.

9.    Children have 18 / 20 / 22 first teeth. Adults have 28 / 3O / 32 teeth.

10.                 Your heart beats about 50,000 / 100,000 / 200,000 times every day.


2)   What other body words do you know?


3)   Match problems 1-8 with pictures A-H

1.   I’ve got a headache

2.   I’ve got a cold

3.   I’ve got a sore throat

4.   I’ve got a temperature

5.   I’ve got a pain in my back

6.   I’ve got a problem with my knee

7.   I feel (really/ a bit) sick

8.   I feel (really/ a bit) tired


II)         Listening: What are your symptoms?


1)   Marc, from Lyons in France, is in the UK on a work trip. He goes to a pharmacy. Listen to the first part of Marc’s conversation with the pharmacist. What problem does Marc have?


2)   Match the pharmacist’s questions with Marc’s answers

1.   What are your symptoms?

2.   Are you allergic to anything?

3.   Are you taking any other medicine?

a.   Just dairy products

b.   No, not at the moment

c.    I’ve got a pain in my back


3)   Read the medicine packages below. Which medicine is best for Marc? Why?

Hotlem: for cold symptoms, including headache, sore throat and high temperature

How to take/ put one sachet of power into a cup and fill with hot water (not boiling). You can add sugar or honey.

How much to take/ adults and children over 12 years: 1 sachet every 4 to 6 hours. Do not take more than 4 sachets in 24 hours. Do not give to children under 12.

Warning: contains paracetamol. Do not take if you allergic to paracetamol

Paracetamol: 500mg tablets/ for the relief of aches and pains, including headache and toothache. Keep away from children. Do not take with alcohol. If symptoms continue, go to your doctor.

Dose: adults and children over 12years, 1 to 2 tablets every 4 to 6 hours. Do not take more than 8 tablets in 24 hours. Children 6 to 12 years: half to one tablet every 4 to 6 hours. Do not take more than 4 tablets in 24 hours. Not for children under 6.


4)   Listen to the second part of Marc's conversation.

Does he buy Hotlem or paracetamol?


5)   Read the packages again. Are these sentences True or False

1.   You shouldn't give Hotlem to a ten year—old.

2.   Hotlem has paracetamol in it.

3.   An adult can take six sachets of Hotlem in 24 hours.

4.   You can drink wine with paracetamol.

5.  An adult shouldn't have more than eight tablets in 24 hours.

6.  You can give paracetamol to a five year-old.


6)   Listen to sentences from Marc's conversation. Notice how a consonant at the

end of a word links to a vowel at the beginning of the next word.


III)       Homework:

Complete the words by putting vowels in the spaces

1.   L_g

2.   F_ _ t

3.   Kn _ _

4.   _ rm

5.   _ y _ s

6.   Sh_ _ ld _ r

7.   _ lb _ w

8.   H _ _d

9.   N _ ck

10.                F _ ng _ rs


Add two other parts of body to this list

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