The Dancing Men (4)

Here is the fourth episode of a book by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, retold by Anne Collins.


The Dancing Men (4)

Episode 4: Terrible News

As soon as Hilton Cubitt left the room, Holmes ran to a table. He put all the papers with pictures of dancing men on the table. He began to examine them carefully.
For the next two hours, Holmes worked hard examining the papers. At last, he jumped up excitedly. Then he sat down again and wrote out a long telegram.
'As soon as we get an answer to this telegram, Watson,' he said, 'we'll visit Mr Cubitt in Norfolk. I have some important information for him.'
I was very curious about the telegram. I very much wanted to know what Holmes had found out about the meaning of the dancing men. But I didn't ask any questions. I knew Holmes would tell me when he was ready.
Two days passed. Then on the evening of the second day, Holmes received another letter from Hilton Cubitt.
In this letter, Mr Cubitt said he had found a new drawing of dancing men. he had found the drawing that morning, on the sundial in the garden. Mr Cubitt had made a copy of the drawing in his letter:

Holmes examined these pictures carefully. Suddenly he jumped up.
'We must go to Norflok at once, Watson,' he said.
At that moment, a telegram arrived for Holmes.It was the answer he had been waiting for. Holmes read the telegram and his face looked serious.
'Mr Cubitt is in terrible danger,' he said.
'He needs our help.'
But unfortunately, we were not able to go to Norfolk that evening. It was late and the last train had gone. The next train was not until the morning. In the morning, we travelled to Norfolk. At the station, we asked our way to Ridling Thorpe Manor.
'Are you the detectives from London?' the stationmaster asked.
'Why do you think we are detectives from London?' asked Holmes in surprise.
'Because the Norfolk police are already on their way to Ridling Thorpe Manor,' said the stationmaster. 'But perhaps you are doctors? The lady isn't dead yet. You may be in time to save her life.'
Holmes looked very worried.
'What do you mean?' he asked. 'What has happened at Ridling Thorpe Manor?'
'It's terrible news,' replied the stationmaster. 'Both Mr Hilton Cubitt and his wife have been shot. Mr Cubitt is dead and his wife is seriously injured.'

(to be continued)

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