Week 26 - Pre - Int

Week  26 – Pre – Intermediate – Thailand (1)



I)            Listening:

1) Listen to interviews with people on holiday in Thailand. 

Complete the statements with the correct names.

a)  _____________  likes swimming  in the sea. 

b)  _____________ has a  dog.  

c)  _____________ goes shopping in  the evening. 

d )  _____________ wants  to do a  cookery course.

e)  _____________ both  love Thai food.

f)  _____________ thinks Thailand  is a perfect place to live


2) Listen to a radio programme about people who came to Thailand on holiday and stayed.

3) What jobs do Becky and Jeff do in Thailand? ______________________________


4) Are the following statements true or false?

a)  Becky came  to Thailand to look for work.

b)  Becky runs a bar on the beach .

c)  The tsunami in 2004 destroyed Becky's bar.

d)  Becky is married to a Thai man.

e)  Jeff is studying Thai.

f)  Jeff wants  to go home.


5) Apart from your own country, which country in the world would you like to live in?


II)         Grammar: for, since and been

for + a period of time 

for 24 hours 

since + a point in time

since yesterday

been  can  be  the  past participle  of go  and  be 

I've  never  been  to  Oslo.  (go)

He's  been  here since  May.  (be)


1) Complete the two sentences about Becky with for or since.

a)  Becky has been in Thailand ________  2004.

b)  Becky hasn' t been to the UK _________a few years.


2) Complete the table so that the information is correct,





My last birthday

I last went abroad

I started studying English

24 hours

______ years

______ days

_______ months





3) Make true sentences about yourself using the following prompts and an appropriate

time expression with since, for or  never.

a) not go  to  London 

I haven’t been to London since I was sixteen.

I haven’t been to London for years.

I’ve never been to London!

b)  not go to a good party ______________________________________________

c)  not go to  the beach ________________________________________________

d)  not go to a  rock concert _____________________________________________

e)  not go to a  wedding ________________________________________________

f)  not go out for dinner _________________________________________________

g)  not go skiing _______________________________________________________

h)  not go abroad ______________________________________________________



III)       Homework:

1) Complete the sentences with for or since.

a)  I've had the same telephone  _____________ I was 17.

b)  I haven't had a holiday _______  a  long time.

c) I haven't been to a good party ________months.

d) I've lived here  _____________ I was born.

e) I've known my neighbours ______ more than

f) I've had this book ________ the beginning of May.

g) I've been in Ibis room ____________ three o'clock.

h) I haven't bought  a  newspaper ______  ages.


2) Change the sentences in exercise 1 to make the sentences true for you.

a) _________________________________________________________________

b) _________________________________________________________________

c) _________________________________________________________________

d) _________________________________________________________________

e) __________________________________________________________________

f) __________________________________________________________________

g) __________________________________________________________________

h) __________________________________________________________________


3) Complete the sentences with been or gone.

a)  Have you  ______________  abroad this year?

b) He's never ____________ to Italy.

c) She’s _____________ to the shops, but she’s going to come back very soon.

d) I haven’t ________________ to a rock concert for ages.

e) the shops is probably closed because they’ve ____________ for lunch.

f)  I've _________ to the doctor twice, but she can't find the problem.

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