lundi 29 juin 2020

Courses in Ti-Lanvenec

Hello guys,

Do not forget that English courses will be at Ti-Lanvenec this week and next week!

I am looking to seeing you again!

lundi 22 juin 2020

My Fair Lady

As an introduction to Cockney accent, you could watch My Fair Lady tonight (Monday 22nd) on France 5 with great Audrey Hepburn.

A good entertainment inspired by George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion: how to become a high society woman when you are a flower girl.


vendredi 19 juin 2020

About Juneteenth

Hello guys,

Here is a video about a typically American festival: Juneteenth (June + nineteenth).

Use subtitles if needed, the young lady speaks pretty fast.


lundi 8 juin 2020

Electrical Cars

Hello Guys,

Here is a video about how electrical cars are really green! Interesting!

jeudi 4 juin 2020

We'll be back!

Good news!

Ti-Lanvenec will be open on Monday 08th June.

Courses will take place in Ti-Lanvenec for week 24.

Bad news!

For weeks 25 and 26, courses will be online as they have been since a few weeks.

Sorry for any inconvenience!

Regulations for the courses:

- Bring your own mask

- Bring your own worksheets, no copies will be given.

- As it is the case everywhere, we will practice social distancing

I am looking forward to seeing you again!