mardi 1 septembre 2020


 Hello guys,

Une nouvelle année commence et je vous propose de continuer votre apprentissage de l'anglais aux horaires habituels en fonction de votre niveau.

Ti-Lanvenec va vous adresser directement un dossier de réinscription et pour ceux qui voudraient nous rejoindre, les inscriptions se feront à l'accueil jusqu'au 18 septembre. Cause COVID, il n'y aura pas de forum des association cette année.

De plus, j'assure une permanence à Ti-Lanvenec salle Iroise le mercredi 09 septembre à partir de 18h.

Hope to see you very soon!

vendredi 10 juillet 2020


Hello guys,

Here comes the summer break!
Some will say at last!
In order to keep in touch with English this summer, I suggest that you practise as much as possible and read a lot.
So, every week, I will post a ten-week story by Joseph Conrad - section stories. Do not worry, it is retold - level lower intermediate! 
It will begin next Monday, so, do not miss this weekly reading!

Hope to see you next year!

Have a nice summer break!

Take care!


lundi 29 juin 2020

Courses in Ti-Lanvenec

Hello guys,

Do not forget that English courses will be at Ti-Lanvenec this week and next week!

I am looking to seeing you again!

lundi 22 juin 2020

My Fair Lady

As an introduction to Cockney accent, you could watch My Fair Lady tonight (Monday 22nd) on France 5 with great Audrey Hepburn.

A good entertainment inspired by George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion: how to become a high society woman when you are a flower girl.


vendredi 19 juin 2020

About Juneteenth

Hello guys,

Here is a video about a typically American festival: Juneteenth (June + nineteenth).

Use subtitles if needed, the young lady speaks pretty fast.


lundi 8 juin 2020

Electrical Cars

Hello Guys,

Here is a video about how electrical cars are really green! Interesting!

jeudi 4 juin 2020

We'll be back!

Good news!

Ti-Lanvenec will be open on Monday 08th June.

Courses will take place in Ti-Lanvenec for week 24.

Bad news!

For weeks 25 and 26, courses will be online as they have been since a few weeks.

Sorry for any inconvenience!

Regulations for the courses:

- Bring your own mask

- Bring your own worksheets, no copies will be given.

- As it is the case everywhere, we will practice social distancing

I am looking forward to seeing you again!